
Some critics take argued that "women had no place in the masculine, death-centered world of Beowulf"[one]. Probably because of the importance of male person heroism in this poem, the significance of women is minimized. Even though information technology is true that their appearance is limited and brief, they practice play fundamental roles in it. This essay will introduce women and their roles in Beowulf , giving examples that clarify the axis and evidence the importance of female characters in the poem. All time to come quotations are based on Swanton's edition translated into mod English.

The women that appear in Beowulf are: Wealhtheow, Hygd, Hildeburh, Freawaru, Thyrth and Grendel's mother. At that place are two queens amid them: Wealhtheow and Hygd. They are both queens in that they are married to the male monarch, and they are hostesses in that they receive people in the hall and make sure that everyone is drinking and having a good time. Noble women played an important role in heroic Anglo-Saxon society and had an essential influence in the hall, especially in hall ceremonies, though they as well played an active role in diplomacy. The hall is presented as the central social element in the poem, where people gathered together to talk about the major events of the court.

The poet e'er makes utilise of positive words to draw them. Wealhtheow is "mindful of etiquette" (613), "a noble-hearted queen" (624), and "perfect in speech" (624).

Their function equally hostesses has to do with the duty of carrying the mead cup and laissez passer information technology to the king and warriors. This plainly unimportant task is more revealing than we may think; it establishes a bureaucracy in the hall.

The idea of a nobleman'southward ideal wife was reflected in the poem Maxim I: "at mead drinking she must at all times and places approach the protector of princes get-go, in front of the companions, rapidly pass the outset cup to her lord'southward manus"[2]. So this role of cupbearer assigned to noble women was directly linked to the status inside the hall.

The first time Wealhtheow makes her appearance in the poem (612-641), she offers the cup to Hrothgar first, making clear that he is the most powerful effigy in the hall, the male monarch: þa freolic wif ful gesealde ærest Due east-Dena eþelwearde (615-616) "the noble woman gave the goblet first to the guardian of the East Danes' homeland". Co-ordinate to Michael J. Enright, because of this she is seen as "an extension of and a support of his kingly ability"[3].  Then, she passes it to the rest of the knights, and finally to Beowulf. He promises to get rid of Grendel, and Wealhtheow, pleased with his words, returns to her seat. He is the last man to receive the cup because he is a newcomer, a foreigner that just arrived to Heorot. Because of this, Hrothgar needs to show his power, by receiving the goblet first, in the presence of the stranger Beowulf. This act makes Beowulf aware of who is the chief of the place.

However, things alter the 2d time she appears (1162-1231), when Wealhtheow offers the cup to the king get-go, as usual, and correct after that to Beowulf.

Since he kept his promise and killed Grendel, he has risen in status now. He has the honour to receive the mead cup correct subsequently the king, in representation of his newly earned status.

The other hostess-queen is the young and cute Hygd, king Hygelac'south wife. Because of her gentleness and kindness, she is contrasted in the poem with the legendary queen Modthryth and her innate cruelty and wickedness.

The importance of order in the distribution of the cup is present again in Hygd'due south offset appearance (1980-83): "Hæreth's daughter moved through the spacious building with mead-cups, cared for the people, carried flagons of drinks to the hands of the Hæthnas".

These ii women besides have some influence on politics. During the commemoration of Grendel'due south death, Wealhtheow addresses her speech to Hrothgar (1168-1187) and then to Beowulf (1216-1231). In the get-go spoken communication, she urges him to "be gracious towards the Geats" (1173)but non to brand Beowulf heir of the kingdom, as she has heard "they told me that you wish to take the warrior to be a son to yous" (1175-76). Instead, she encourages him to make Hrothulf his heir, to protect her sons: "I know my gracious Hrothulf that he will care for these youths honourably if you […] should leave the world earlier him". (1180-83). With this, she is conspicuously protecting her ain interests, since she wants to make sure that someone from the family inherits the kingdom, and not an outsider. Because there are no sings that the king ignored her petition, we can say that she has some influence on Hrothgar'south decisions.

In her speech addressed to Beowulf, Wealhtheow urges him to accept the presents she has given to him: "Dear Beowulf, savour this collar with good fortune […] , and make good utilize of this garment" (1216-17). With these words she proves she is such a great hostess, showing her generosity and kindness through her presents. In Old English poetry, noble women in their role of hostesses, as well gave gifts. This act of souvenir giving established reciprocity, an important common commutation betwixt the giver and the receiver, and played an essential part in dynastic succession. At the stop of the speech, her final words reflect self-balls and confidence, and illustrate her ability over people and her right to command them: "the noble men, having drunkard, will do as I ask" (1230-31).

Another case of political ability lays on Hygd. After her husband'south expiry, she tries to pass the kingdom on Beowulf ("there Hygd offered him hoard and kingdom, rings and a princely throne" 2369-seventy), since she thinks her son isn't prepare to rule the Geats ("she did not trust that her son knew how to concur the throne of his homeland against foreign nations" 2373-76). She's taking her hubby's part, doing what he would have done, in making this important decision. This shows that women in Beowulf are not marginal at all, simply they have fundamental public roles as hostesses, gift givers and besides take some influence in politics, taking their own decisions and giving orders every bit they delight.

Then we have the two peaceweavers, Hildeburh and Freawaru. They are called peaceweavers considering they were given in marriage to someone from a group considered the "rival" in order to make peace with them. Once the groups were united, these

women had an influence on both of them. Equally Pauline Stafford points out: "She is a link between hostile peoples united by marriage. […] this makes her a living reminder of past defeats […]"[4].

Hildeburgh, daughter of the Danish king, married the king of the Jutes, Finn, in order to found peace betwixt the two groups. We know about her through a story told past a telescopic (1071-1158), later Beowulf'due south defeat of Grendel. Eventually, her chore as

peaceweaver is successful: she marries someone from another tribe and has a son with him, blending together the claret of the Danish and the Jutes. Nonetheless, this union did not last long, since the two peoples kept fighting, resulting in the death of Hildeburh'due south husband, son and brother.

Some other failed try to unite two peoples is the case of Freawaru, king Hrothgar's girl. She has an fifty-fifty smaller appearance in the poem than Hildeburh, but again, her role as peaceweaver makes her important. Her union to Ingeld, the king of the Heathobards, is seen as an insult, because these two tribes had been enemies for many years. This is another case of a "story inside the story", just like it happens with Hildeburh. In this example, Freawaru's story is told by Beowulf to his rex (2020-2069), Hygelac, after he returns to his land. He doubts that this story will exist successful, given the tension existing between the two tribes.This wedlock was so desired past the Danes considering they had killed Ingeld's father in ane of the battles, and were trying to avoid their revenge. Finally, it is Ingeld himself who decides to avenge his father's death killing those who destroyed him.

Finally, we find the two monster-like women in the poem, namely Grendel's mother and Thryth. These women are monstrous in that they are all the reverse to peaceweavers and hostesses: they are comfy and satisfied using violence to solve their disputes and they practise non welcome anyone that comes into their houses. They can be considered violent and cruel because they rather make use of weapons and their physical strength rather than using words or matrimony to influence other people, only similar Wealhtheow or Hildeburh.

Grendel's female parent is some other example of powerful woman. She's independent, every bit she lives in her house lone and protects it herself. She confronts Beowulf on her ain to take revenge for Grendel'south death.

Thyrth was an evil princess, guilty of many wicked crimes, who used to kill anyone that came into her hall. The chief departure betwixt these two monster-like women is that while Grendel's female parent is a monster herself, Thyrth is man. Considering she is a princess, she functions within lodge and has a social status, which Grendel's mother will never have. That society inside which she functions will finally have an influence on her and will help her alter her attitude: "famous for virtue, while living made good apply of the life destined for her, maintained a profound dearest for the primary of heroes" (1951-54). Finally, both of them are tamed: Thyrth finds beloved in Offa and marries him ("she brought near fewer acts of malice, injuries to the people, as soon as she was given […] to the young champion, the dear prince" 1946-49), and Grendel's mother is affected by her son's death.

Women in Beowulf are not insignificant excluded figures, nor is their role limited in the poems. Sometimes they are peace weavers, hostesses, loving cup bearers, etc. They also have some influence on politics and accept their own decisions which concern the fate of a kingdom. They can exist independent like Grendel's mother, evil like Thyrth, gracious similar Wealhtheow or s, just they are all powerful queens, mothers or wives.


Bjork, Robert E. & Niles, John D. (Editors). A Beowulf Handbook. (1997). University of Nebraska Press. p.313

Enright, Michael J. Lady with a Mead Loving cup. (1996). Four Courts Printing. p.14.

Stafford, Pauline. "Emma: the powers of the Queen in the eleventh century" article included in the book Queens and Queenship in medieval Europe.(1997). Edited by Anne Duggan. The Boydell Printing.

Swanton, Michael. (ed. & trans.) Beowulf. (1997) Manchester Academy Press.

[i] Bjork, Robert E. & Niles, John D. (Editors). A Beowulf Handbook. (1997). Academy of Nebraska Press. p.313

[2] One-time English Maxims I, 88-92

[iii] Enright, Michael J. Lady with a Mead Cup. (1996). Four Courts Press. p.xiv.

[4] Stafford, Pauline. "Emma: the powers of the Queen in the eleventh century" commodity included in the book Queens and Queenship in medieval Europe.(1997). Edited past Anne Duggan. The Boydell Press.